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Our Project

Learning Sign Language by Kinect technology

Our solotion is learning the sign language using an interactive game, with the "kinect" technology. The player arrives at an island in which there is a tribe of natives who only speak the sign language. In purpose to survive he is required to learn the language.

The Kinect camera detects your hand and body movement and can tell you how accurate you preformed the sign or if you made a mistake. After learning words, the "trainer" asks you to create combinations and gives you feedback for your performance. After learning a specific amount of words you can play games, for practice.

Beside for the teaching part of the game, it has an additional value; if most of the world population will know the sign language, the deaf could be independent and could communicate with people who can help them live a normal life, like anybody else.


Moreover, the department of education still hasn't acknowledged the advantages of the sign language that result from the "forced silence" the deaf are affected by. In our culture, the loud and noise, the use of sign language could bring back to our consciousness things that the spoken language has forgotten, like: facial expressions, acting, manners and more...
We are sure that teaching our society sign language will benefit both the deaf and the hearing society.

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